Introduction Last updated: 2022-06-01

Linux is a community of open-source Unix like operating systems that are based on the Linux Kernel. It is a free and open-source operating system and the source code can be modified and distributed to anyone commercially or noncommercially under the GNU General Public License

What is Garuda Linux?

Garuda Linux is a Archlinux based distro which is focused on performance. It uses Linux-tkg-bmq kernel by default and comes with a variety of opiniated themes & settings.We only use one extra repo on top of Arch Linux repos, placing us very close to Arch Linux without having to install the system with CLI.

Garuda Linux is a rolling release distro based on Arch Linux, which ensures always getting the latest software updates.

Garuda Linux Features

  • Using the Zen kernel: It has faster speeds and faster response times due to optimization for everyday use in desktop, multimedia, and gaming. Its combination and use is the result of kernel hackers working together to provide the best Linux kernel for everyday operating systems.
  • Easy to use: Provides modern terminal applications (CLI), such as text editor, which is easy-to-use, intuitive terminal-based and is predefined in the operating system because it can take advantage of modern functional terminals. In addition, it provides a variety of GUI tools that can be configured with a ready-to-use land management system for easy start-up.
  • Always free: Its developers promise that Garuda Linux will always be completely free. Since then, they've created it as a free, open GNU/Linux-based operating system and, most importantly, easy to use, beautiful and delivers high performance.
  • Rolling Release: Garuda Linux is a rolling release distro based on Arch Linux, which ensures always getting the latest software updates.We only use one extra repo on top of Arch Linux repos, placing us very close to Arch Linux without having to install the system via command line.
  • Why Do I Use Garuda Linux?

    To decide if Garuda is a good choice it might be good to see how it compares to other well known distributions!

    Garuda Linux Manjaro Linux Ubuntu
    Package management Pacman & Pamac Pacman & Pamac APT
    Repository Arch Repos + Chaotic AUR (precompiled) + AUR (need to compile) Manjaro Repos (Arch + a bit of testing) + AUR (need to compile) Ubuntu repos, missing well known software
    Software Most known software available by default (precompiled) Many software installable via AUR (need to compile) Software available via PPA (many different sources)
    Software versions Always the latest New versions often a few weeks delayed Well tested software but not the latest
    Target audience People who want a good out of the box experience with an opiniated set of applications and settings People who want a stable environment with little changes - possible only due to freezing repos & reinstallation for new releases
    Installation Calamares offline installer Calamares offline installer Ubuntu installer
    Desktop environments KDE, Xfce, GNOME, LXQt-kwin, Wayfire, Qtile, BSPWM, i3wm and Sway. XFCE, KDE, GNOME - Community: Budgie, Cinnamon, Deepin, i3wm, MATE, Sway GNOME - Additional DEs available as different distributions, eg. Kubuntu

    Which Edition Should I Download?

    This release brings a variety of improvements, new features and updated components, including a large number of updates and improvements to applications and desktop environments So Garuda Linux provides various desktop environments, such as KDE, GNOME, Xfce, Wayfire, LXQt-kwin and i3. You can read the instructions below to learn more about each version and choose the best edition that suits youself.

      Garuda KDE Dr460nized

      The dr460nized editions of Garuda Linux offer a dark, blurry and fully immersive Plasma experience. The workflow is mac-alike with the appmenu baked right into the top bar. 🐉

      Garuda Xfce

      Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly.


      Xfce is well known for being a rock-solid & stable desktop environment.

    • Garuda Linux GNOME

      GNOME is a modern desktop environment which is both clean and beautiful. It is focused on ease of use.


      For Optimus laptops the GNOME edition uses Prime render offloading.

      Garuda LXQT-Kwin

      LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment that does not get in your way. Its focus lays on being a lightweight, lagfree desktop with modern look and feel.

      Garuda Wayfire

      Wayfire is a 3D Wayland compositor inspired by Compiz and based on wlroots. It aims to create a customizable, extendable and lightweight environment without sacrificing its appearance.

      Garuda i3WM

      I3-wm is a lightweight window manager that is operated exclusively with the keyboard. Our version has a simple and easy configuration with LXappearance to handle GTK themes. We do ship the configuration with an easy cheat sheet to get you started. Due to its light resources, it has a really small memory footprint.

    Before Installation

    The hardware requirements might seem high at first but this is mostly due to Calamares taking a lot of RAM during installation and some other performance enhancing applications used. For window managers the actual needed specs are lower than KDE requirements. A thumbdrive of 4GB is needed for regular versions while the gaming edition needs 8GB space.

    KDE Dr460nized requirements:

      Minimum requirements:

      • 30 GB storage
      • 4 GB RAM
      • Video card with OpenGL 3.3 or better
      • 64-bit system

      Recommended requirements:

      • 40 GB storage
      • 8 GB RAM

    Section Item 1.6


    Below is the rough suggested installation procedure, a quite detailed video is available as well. If you are doing manual partitioning during the process it is advised to create the partitions with Gparted (find it in the start menu) prior to starting Calamares as it is a known problem that more complex partition layouts might not get created properly. If you have a MacBook pro, we have a dedicated wiki article which helps with the installation!

    Installation Procedure

  • Boot the PC and press the manufacturers key to open the menus.
  • Reset BIOS to factory default and reboot.
  • Disable fastboot in BIOS settings.
  • Go to security > secure Boot and disable secure boot in BIOS settings.
  • Make sure that SATA controller is set to AHCI mode in BIOS settings.
  • If your firmware supports UEFI then set your BIOS settings to UEFI only.
  • Create a bootable USB using DD/Etcher/Ventoy, if using Rufus make sure to use DD mode to flash the iso to usb.
  • From the firmware menu boot to usb drive while in UEFI or BIOS mode: You might see separate commands for the same device. For example, you might see UEFI USB Drive and BIOS USB drive. Each command uses the same device and media but boots the PC in a different firmware mode. We recommend to boot drive in UEFI mode if listed.
  • After booting live media start the installer and choose 'Erase Entire Disk' in the Calamares Installer.
  • Initial setup after downloading

    The next initial setup after installing can make you proceed Garuda smoothly. Keep on reading! 😊

    • Getting the initial mirrorlist
    • This step and the following can both be completed interactively if the setup assistant. Just press yes to the “complete installation” prompt.

      If you chose now you have two possibilities: either you open "Reflector Simple" found in the startmenu if you prefer using a GUI or you open the terminal and type upd. This will refresh your mirrorlist and update the system afterwards.

    • Updating the system
    • Here you can chose between GUI and terminal again. For the first option you have to open Pamac (also called software update) click update. If you prefer the terminal it is as easy as typing:

      sudo pacman -Syu (or upd if you want to refresh mirrors first)

      After a bigger update (especially if kernel versions changed) it is advised to reboot afterwards.

    • Downloading languagepacks
    • Some applications such as Firefox ship its language packs in separate packages. This makes installing them after the initial setup a needed step. This is however made simple by using the Garuda settings manager. Open it up and get your language packs!

    • Getting printing and scanning support, adblocking and more using the Garuda Welcome app
    • We made some settings easy for you and included them in the Garuda Welcome app. Here they can be turned on and off by toggling. To get an overview on the current available settings, have a look:


    If you want to know how to install & setup Garuda Linux ,you should watch this short tutorial.

    Adorable Tools

    One feature that makes Garuda wildly popular is that it provides a simple graphical utility for managing the system and performing administrative tasks and a modern, Copy-on-Write (CoW) filesystem with zstd compression for Linux, aimed at implementing advanced features while also focusing on fault tolerance, repair and easy administration.


    Garuda Linux is a rolling distribution based on arch Linux, focusing only on performance. But unlike arch, it comes with a graphical calamares installer and other advanced GUI tools.

      GUI for managing drivers and kernels (Garuda Settings Manager)

      GUI tool for various common tasks (Garuda Assistant)

      This tool allows users to manage repositories, clear logs, back up the system, manage the filesystem and systemd processes in simple clicks.

      GUI for GRUB boot options (Garuda Boot Options)

      GUI for network assistance & hotspot creation (Garuda Network Assistant)

    BTRFS as the default filesystem with zstd compression

    Garuda Linux uses the B-Tree filesystem (BTRFS) as the default. BTRFS addresses various Linux filesystem limitations like checksums, pooling, and snapshots. It also allows for easy management, fault tolerance, and repairs. Btrfs also provides Garuda Linux with the ability to perform self-healing by using checksums and metadata to detect and repair corrupted data. Therefore, Garuda Linux having BTRFS is a considerable advantage.

    Garuda Gamer Tools

    Garuda Linux has a Gaming edition (GUI for installing curated gaming software), a KDE version of Garuda Linux tuned for gamers. This Gaming edition has all the software a gamer might need. The pre-installed gaming software in the gaming edition of Garuda Linux includes Steam, Gamehub, Boxtron, WINE, Proton GE custom, Gamemode, vkBasalt, itch, Lutris, Minigalaxy, Heroic Game Launcher, Oversteer, and SteamTinterLaunch. It also comes with gaming tools such as OpenRGB, KeyboardVisualizer, DisplayCAL, NoiseTorch, Discord, Mumble, Piper, and CoreCtrl.

    Basic Commands

    Section intro goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus condimentum nisl id vulputate. Praesent aliquet varius eros interdum suscipit. Donec eu purus sed nibh convallis bibendum quis vitae turpis. Duis vestibulum diam lorem, vitae dapibus nibh facilisis a. Fusce in malesuada odio.

    Section Item 4.1

    Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo. Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.

    Section Item 4.2

    Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo. Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.

    Section Item 4.3

    Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo. Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.


    if your Computer doesn’t boot, boots to a black screen, or stops at a message,take it ease and read this Trobleshooting guide.


    While there are many potential reasons why your installation doesn’t boot to a desktop, the primary reason is that the graphics drivers haven’t loaded correctly so your login/display manager (DM) doesn’t start. This is why you get a "black screen" or stuck at an

    [ OK ] Started some service


    The normal reason for this is that you have the incorrect driver version for the kernel. This can happens when the mirror you are updating from is not fully synchronised, or times out, and so you have different sets of packages in [core]and [extra]. This means the driver module package in [extra] has been built for a different kernel point-release to that in [core] .On the other hand, if you have a DKMS driver package then make sure the build succeeded!

    Try to solve it

      The first thing to try

      Switch to a text console with CTRL+ALT+F2 , log in with your normal username and password, then run a full update:

      sudo reflector -a6 -f5 --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

      sudo pacman -Syyu

      The first command will refresh your mirror list, picking five of the most recently updated mirrors (so those mirrors will all be up-to-date).

      The second command will force a download of the current package lists, then perform an update if any updated packages are available.

      If any packages were updated, reboot.


      If you can’t log in to a text console, use a chroot 46 instead.

      The second thing to try

      Log into a text console as above and run startx . This should either start X, in which case the issue lies with your Display Manager (e.g. GDM, LightDM, SDDM), OR you will be presented with some output and returned to the console. Of particular interest are Error (EE) lines.

      The DKMS thing to try


      sudo dkms autoinstall

      and pay attention to the build completion status. If it says the build failed then check the associated log file (it will tell you a file location).

      If you can’t see anything obvious

      If none of the above helps fix this issue (which the first one will in 90% of cases) then search all Arch OS related forums for recent issues (Search results for 'black screen' - Garuda Linux Forum) , and, if you can’t find anything, start a new thread mentioning what you have already tried.

    Section Item 5.3

    Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo. Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.


    Section intro goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus condimentum nisl id vulputate. Praesent aliquet varius eros interdum suscipit. Donec eu purus sed nibh convallis bibendum quis vitae turpis. Duis vestibulum diam lorem, vitae dapibus nibh facilisis a. Fusce in malesuada odio.

    Section Item 6.1

    Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo. Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.

    Section Item 6.2

    Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo. Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.

    Section Item 6.3

    Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo. Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.

    Top Uses

    Section intro goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus condimentum nisl id vulputate. Praesent aliquet varius eros interdum suscipit. Donec eu purus sed nibh convallis bibendum quis vitae turpis. Duis vestibulum diam lorem, vitae dapibus nibh facilisis a. Fusce in malesuada odio.

    Recovery Options

    As a rolling release, Garuda Linux updates software packages daily. Unfortunately, doing such updates might cause your system to break, making it inoperable.

    To mitigate this, Garuda Linux has an inbuilt Timeshift backup utility that allows you to take snapshots of your system. In addition, Garuda gives you access to the system snapshots straight from GRUB, which can prove immensely helpful in cases where the system fails to boot up successfully.

    Easy Software Installation

    Installing software packages on Garuda Linux is as simple as it can get. The distro uses the Pacman installer and a collection of software packages from the default repositories. Garuda Linux also imports the Pamac installer from Manjaro Linux, allowing you to install software packages without touching the terminal. Garuda Linux also offers support for Snap and Flatpack and comes with the Arch User Repository enabled by default. NOTE: Although supported, Garuda Linux does not recommend using Snap packages.

    Awesome User Experience

    Once you install Garuda Linux, a welcome screen will greet you with a warm and straightforward message welcoming you to Garuda Linux. This screen also gives you the option of using the setup assistant to configure your system for the first time. Garuda Linux provides rich UI features with familiar navigation menus and icons. As a result, exploring Garuda Linux is straightforward. Depending on the flavor of Garuda Linux you install, you will get typical applications such as Firefox web browser, VLC media player, a terminal, GIMP, Steam, Timeshift Backup utility, and Software Market pre-installed. The default username and password are Garuda and Garuda, respectively.

    Easy-to-Use Calamares Installer

    Although Garuda Linux is an Arch-Linux-based distro, it uses the Calamares installer, which removes the complexity and time-consuming procedure of installing Arch-based distributions




      Garuda Linux has its own gitlab including Website, packages and settings, so you can view it to find what you need or want.
    • View Website

    Forum and Community

      You can solve your puzzles about Garuda linux through the Forum and chat for a while in the Garuda Linux community.
    • View Forum


    Section intro goes here. You can list all your FAQs using the format below.

    Garuda Linux General FAQ

    The Website is the official thread for Garuda Linux FAQ.

      View it

      Configuration,Settings, Installation etc

      How to easily create a bootable USB to install Garuda?


      How to fully use Intel hardware ?

      This guide can help you.

      How to chroot Garuda Linux?
      View Guide
      How to fix system time when dual booting with Window?

      Read and adjust as you prefer. It is suggested to configure Windows time to UTC.

      System time

      Section Item 9.3 (FAQ Category Three)

      How to dapibus sollicitudin justo vel fermentum?

      Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui.

      How long bibendum sodales?

      Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui.

      Where dapibus sollicitudin?

      Aenean et sodales nisi, vel efficitur sapien. Quisque molestie diam libero, et elementum diam mollis ac. In dignissim aliquam est eget ullamcorper. Sed id sodales tortor, eu finibus leo. Vivamus dapibus sollicitudin justo vel fermentum. Curabitur nec arcu sed urna gravida lobortis. Donec lectus est, imperdiet eu viverra viverra, ultricies nec urna.